A few years back, a popular television show promoted a cookbook called Yummy Stepmom as a “cooking bible” that mothers could use to create delectable meals for their stepson. The author, Holly Foster, claimed in her book that the recipes would not only get their children interested in cooking but would also be a “great investment in your own relationship.” Stepfamilies can benefit from working together to find new and creative ways to spend time together and this book provides stepmothers with lots of ideas. While Yummy StepMom is clearly focused on recipes for young children, it also offers helpful hints about how moms can incorporate cooking into their stepfamily relationship as well.
As a mother, I am always eager to try new foods that my children will enjoy, but it can often be difficult to know where to begin. Some of the recipes in Yummy Stepmom seem geared more towards creating tasty treats for the family than they are for adults, and this can be a problem for some mamas. The good news is that there are plenty of recipes targeted towards both young and older children, and many of them can easily be prepared in the home. If you feel that cooking can benefit your stepson in these ways, you should definitely consider trying out some of the different recipes that Yummy StepMom provides.
While many mothers worry that if they start cooking they will lose control over their family and ruin it, you will not have much to worry about if you take the time to learn the proper techniques. Once you have learned all of the needed instructions, you won’t have to worry about it anymore. Your stepson will love helping to prepare the food, and you can enjoy a delicious dinner knowing that the food is completely safe. Yummy StepMom will also provide you with valuable suggestions for serving it, and she will even let you know when it is best to serve dessert since sometimes the kids are hungry! All of this is made possible because Yummy Stepmom Lends Smith offers step by step instructions and even provides sample meals so that you can try it out on your own before you leave. Yummy Stepmom Lends Stepson a Helping Hand.