MI Joven Madrastra by Mi Joven Madrastra is a religious novel written by Mi Joven Madrastra. This novel is a collection of short stories written mostly in Hindi with English translation. In this novel, a young Hindu girl named Indira comes to our town and stays for only two days but returns the next day to take back her family. She lives a solitary life, hardly talking to anyone, not even her own sister. Two other sisters come to live with her and they are both very different from her in almost every way. One of them, Sushmita, a much older woman, is a talented writer and poet who try to help Indira overcome her depression, while the other, Tirupati, is obsessed with winning the affections of the men in her life.
I liked the way that Mi Joven went into detail about each character’s personality, their likes and dislikes, and what motivated them to do what they did in their lives. It was sometimes difficult to relate to some of the events in the book as they seemed too close to reality for my tastes, but then again, I don’t read fantasy books for a serious page turner either. This book is very much a love story, so if you are someone who likes to see a happily ever after, you might not feel it is too realistic, but I personally loved the way Mi Joven wrote about Indira’s life and how she overcame her depression. I think all of us could use a little cheer up sometimes, and this book definitely hit the spot for me.
In this engaging book, you get to know each character in-depth, and discover what made them tick. Although it is a book about religion, it isn’t a religious book in the slightest. The characters talk about other people and things in the book without judging or criticizing them. If you are looking for a unique fantasy novel that you simply can’t find any reviews on, this is the one. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Indira and how she overcame her depression, and the lessons that followed. I highly recommend this novel to anyone who loves fantasy novels and doesn’t mind learning a bit of history along the way. mi joven madrastra me confunde con mi papá y me deja follarla.