Stepmom helps stepson


My StepMom helps me pay the bills and buy groceries. The first time I learned of this she was explaining to me that she never wants me to live “paycheck to paycheck” and that she thought it was unfair that I would have to depend on income from my Dad to pay for things. She gave me a few examples of people who helped her with expenses when she was young, and it kind of made me feel old watching her struggle. But she’s a good person and over the years I’ve gotten to know her and learned a lot about what it means to be a mom, so I understand where she’s coming from.

I’d like to say that I’ve always been there for her, but she’s always had a reason to be angry or upset, and I’ve accepted that. She raised me, and that’s the most important thing. She fed my addiction for food, and I don’t blame her for that one bit. And she definitely wasn’t there to raise me like a child should be, or nag me all the time about my weight (okay, sometimes). I just learned the hard way that yelling at someone will usually make them more upset than talking to them.

I’m sure there are other things that help her, but I don’t think that they include making me feel guilty or selfish for even needing help. I just want to live a normal, happy life like everyone else, and StepMom has been helping me do just that. She doesn’t love me enough to dump me, and she doesn’t want to send me to live with strangers, but she understands that I need some help in order to survive, and she’s willing to help me do that. I just try to do it in a way that will keep me away from the junk that sells in stores. It’s not easy, but I’m at least appreciating the help. Stepmom helps stepson.

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