Bleached blond stepmom with huge tits


My teenage daughter is a Bleached Blond Stepmom with Large Tits. That is right, you can be a Blonde with huge titties and not have to worry about your parents finding out. I never realized how attractive she really was until one day we were at the drugstore and I saw that she was trying on a dress. Immediately I knew that she had to get a job because her parents would never hire her if she looked like a bum. This is the truth, my teenage daughter has a beautiful face, a firm butt and a great body, but she is still not taken seriously in the office because of her huge titties.

I was very excited when I saw that she was standing there with all those beautiful boobs, I thought I would get one too! I bet you anything that these huge titties are pushing her back up, but that is okay because I know she will never get laid if she thinks that she is too fat. You could even get a job by babysitting or taking care of your grandmother’s dog! That’s right, you can become a dog walker!

My girl has been going to the same high school as me for almost ten years now and I am so glad that she doesn’t have a big vagina like all the other kids. Plus I will never date a sexy blonde with huge titties, it just wouldn’t make sense! If you are not skinny and you have a nice set of buns, you don’t need a large chest because you are more than enough. All you need is confidence and the right attitude. My teen mom has a great attitude and if I had my money I would give it to her and every time she comes into my room, I would give her a kiss on the cheek.

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