Mommy Just Needs Some Help


Mommy Just Needs Some Help. “Mommy just needs some help deciding what baby names are really suitable.” That’s the bluntest way I can put it. We have three children, and I have a hard time deciding which ones are the best. This is because we live in a family where everyone has an opinion, and every time you two disagree, the discussion turns into a shouting match. You can’t exactly get upset about it, because there are worse things that could happen, such as your children leaving the nest to go on an adventure, or you wife coming home crying because she caught pneumonia, but you know that you have to name the child.

Sometimes, no matter how much you tried to correct other people’s wrong notions, they just wouldn’t budge an inch. I guess they were born with “different skin”, and whatever they knew was true, must be true for the both of you. In this case, it’s not about respecting someone else’s belief, but it’s more like respecting your own. After all, if you are a mother and you know there is no way you can change your beloved son’s mind, then why would you try?

Mommy just needs some help deciding on whether Vincent should be called Hans or Vinnie, because he asks so many cute but silly questions. As soon as I suggest such a name to my daughter, she stops me with her objections and says, “But honey, how would nobody ever say such a name?” I don’t know how to reply to that, because it’s simply ridiculous. I think if I were called by such a name by a stranger, I would probably faint right away.

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